I. American Songs |
A. Oral tradition
B. Literary tradition
II. Longfellow |
A. Career
B. Style
III. Whitman |
A. As original
1. Free verse
2. Organic style
B. As "modern"
1. All subjects embraced
2. Modern subjects celebrated
C. As American
D. In Washington, D.C.
E. In "Song of Myself"
1. Enumerations of America
2. Transcendental self
a. "I"
b. Looks
c. Participates
d. Joins
e. Fuses
f. Unity of "I"
IV. Dickinson |
A. "New Englandly"
1. Life circumscribed (#J285)
a. Subjects
b. Emblematic perspective
2. Circumscribed power (#J303)
B. "Slant" original (#J1129)
1. Elliptical
2. "Traditional"
3. Metaphoric (#J341)
4. Eccentric (#J1463)
C. Questioner
1. Process, not categories
2. Answers? (#J465, #J501)
V. American dreamers (#J755) |