Interesting Web Sites for Unit 2

Course Developer: Dr. Diane Thompson, NVCC, NOVA Online

Introduction to Greek Tragedy: discussion on UTube from the National Theater Vergil and the Aeneid : by Mark Damen; from his course: A Guide to Writing in History and Classics
Troy Web Site: Homer: links to etexts of Homer "About Helen of Troy": A useful excerpt about the historical background of Helen from Women of Classical Mythology: A Biographical Dictonary, by Robert E. Bell.
Troy Web Site: Greek Drama: links to etexts of Greek Dramas New Testament Textual Criticism
"Odysseus: Fascinating Man and his Many Transformations." By Moya K. Mason. This interesting essay follows the career of Odysseus from Homer to the classical Greek dramas. The Jewish Roman World of Jesus
Didaskalia: ancient theater today The Christian Catacombs of Rome: Many excellent  visual images and explanatory text
An Introduction to Greek Tragedy: by Mark Damen; from his course: A Guide to Writing in History and Classics The New Testament Gateway
Perseus: a marvellous digital library of Greek and Roman texts and images. Ramayana: elements of the story in a rich scrolling banner of images. The banner needs Java to scroll, but the material can be seen anyway by clicking on elements of the page.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review: extensive reviews of books about Greek and Roman matters. The Ramayana: etext and background
Theoi Greek Mythology: An attractively designed large site, "exploring Greek mythology and the gods in classical literature and art." Wonderful resources for Greek mythology, including many classical texts, beautiful images, profiles of the gods and heroes, etc. Definitely worth a visit. Didone Liberata: by Salvatore Conte; a play, images and links about Dido, some in English, much in Italian
Troy Web Site: Virgil: links to Virgil etexts  Bhagavad-Gita: etexts in many languages

© Diane Thompson: 8/13/1998; last updated: February 12, 2019