The following are required for entry into this course:

If you feel you lack any of these, please contact me immediately.

This course teaches الصرف the patterns system of formatting, creating and deriving Arabic vocabulary from the root, which is also used to look up words in Arabic dictionaries. You will be able to derive Active, Passive Particles, verbs associated with the root, and different gerunds. We will cover following grammar points: irregular verbs, future form, passive voice, negating past and future, relative clauses, forming verb sentences, comparing, prepositions and attached pronouns in addition to the infinitive. You will also learn different expressions such as frequency, taking oath, telling reasons, and holiday greetings. In addition, you will build on your reading and writing skills. You will  learn more about the Arab culture and tradition through  discussions and presentations. Different topics such as the weather, culture, history, health and many others will be covered in this course.