In order to successfully complete this course, you must demonstrate your understanding of the course materials by:
- completing the assignments in each module
- participating actively in the discussion board activities
- submitting the quizzes
- earning a combined average of at least 60% on the proctored assessments
Here is an overview of all of the different types of assignments in the course. You can find detailed directions for the assignments and the grading rubrics in the module where they are assigned.
- You will use Discussions to submit writing and oral exercises
Francais interactif Site
- In this course, we will use Français Interactif (, a web-based open educational resource (OER) French program developed and in use at the University of Texas since 2004. Français interactif helps you explore the French language and culture by following the lives of real UT students who participated in the UT Summer Program in Lyon, France. The UT students will introduce you to their French host families, their French university, and their lives in France.
Quizzes and Proctored Assessments
- Every chapter has a quiz;
- There are three proctored assessments and three take-home oral exams in the course. The written exams have two parts - listening and written;
- The listening and written assessments are proctored. You will be graded on writing, listening, and understanding. If you have difficulty hearing the recordings during the exam, notify your instructor or the proctor immediately;
- In order to pass the course, you must earn a combined average of at least 60% on the proctored assessments.
Online Meeting
We have assigned an optional Online Meeting time for each lesson. It is an optional real-time online meeting where you can interact with me and other students as part of the learning process. Your participation in these meetings is crucial to your success in the class. I strongly recommend that you make an effort to participate in these meetings so you can practice what you have learned, ask questions, share learning experiences, and discuss anything of interest with your classmates. They will definitely help you learn French.
Oral Assignments
- You will use discussion forums to submit oral assignments.
Language Exchange Practice
- You will practice the use of the French language with your language practice partner.