Course Description

This course will enable students to achieve French proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and
writing at or above the intermediate-mid level as defined by the ACTFL (American Council on the
Teaching of Foreign Languages) Proficiency Guidelines. The course continues to develop
understanding, speaking, reading and writing skills gained in FRE 201. In keeping with the National
Standards for Foreign Language Education, culture (music, art, gastronomy, social mores, and others)
is embedded in this language course. This is reflected in our written and oral assessments

Course Prerequisites

The following are required for entry into this course:
  • You should have had FRE 201 or the equivalent.
  • You should have studied  French to the intermediate level (i.e. in high school) and
  • You should be comfortable speaking, reading and writing in French.
If you feel you lack any of these, please contact me immediately.