Internship Site Placements (3 credits)

You are required to complete 100 hours of actual working experience at approved placement sites.  You may only count 10 hours when you are only observing at a site for the full amount of time that you are there.  When documenting your hours, note the time to the nearest quarter hour (.25 = 15 minutes, .5 = 30 minutes, .75 = 45 minutes).  

Students who are already employed as interpreters may use their job to complete their internship assignments.  Your supervisor must sign off on your time sheet.

Mentors should possess RID certification (any type) or a VQAS Level II - III.  Note that a Level III/III is not required, although it is definitely preferred.  Observation hours may be completed with non-certified interpreters.

If you do not complete all of the hours during the summer semester, you may receive an “I” for the course and continue through the Fall semester.  All hours and assignments must be completed by the last day of classes in the Fall semester.  If you have not completed the course within this time frame, a grade of “F” will be assigned.

Hours Log

Your log should include the date of the assignment, the location, and the number of hours for EACH assignment.  Your mentor (or boss) should then sign your log sheet to verify the hours.  For now we are still using paper.  If we figure out a better, digital way to do this, we will certainly do so. 


Three interpreting mentors who have worked with you at least 5 hours and can comment on both your expressive and receptive interpreting skills will be asked to complete evaluations.  You may choose these individuals and provide them with the appropriate form.  It is your responsibility to follow up and insure that the forms have been submitted to the Instructor.  These forms can be uploaded by the student or sent to the instructor ( directly.  The evaluation forms will be returned to the student after the final course grade is submitted.

Three neutral Deaf consumers who have observed you for more than two hours must be asked to submit evaluations.  Please do not choose clients under the age of 18 to submit evaluation forms.  All forms should be mailed directly to the instructor and students should provide the client with a stamped envelope.  These forms may be downloaded and passed on to the mentors electronically and sent to the Professor at .  The evaluation forms will be returned to the student after the final course grade is submitted. 

Three neutral hearing consumers who have observed you for more than two hours must be asked to submit evaluations.  Please do not choose clients under the age of 18 to submit evaluation forms. These forms may be downloaded and passed on to the mentors electronically and sent to the Professor at . The evaluation forms will be returned to the student after the final course grade is submitted.


Professionalism is expected in all aspects of the students’ work.  This includes attendance, punctuality, professional dress, professional conduct, attitude, responsibility and commitment to all assignments.  Students will receive a grade for this area based on the feedback from mentors, clients, and the observations from the instructors.


Students are required to write a THOUGHTFUL blog entry by the 30th of each month, reflecting on your experiences out in the field.  Each should be a minimum of 200 words long.  These are due for any months that students are participating in internship.  I want to make sure I don't lose you.

Student Evaluation

After completing ALL interpreting hours, each student will complete the Final Student Evaluation.  There are a series of questions that students are asked to reflect upon. The final product must be AT LEAST FIVE (5) pages, typed, double spaced, 12 point font with 1 inch margins in order to receive full credit.  Students will be graded on their explanation of their insights into their own experience and work.