The course content is divided into four units:
I. Musical orientation, and early jazz part I
II. Early jazz part II, and swing
III. Bebop, and jazz of the 1950s
IV. Jazz from the 1960s through today
These four units are spread over weeks through out the semester. Please note that due dates in this course are very important and vary by assignment. Be sure to read your syllabus and assignment instructions very carefully.
The following are learning activities in this course:
Posts and responses to other posts are graded for thoughtful content and respectful interaction with other students. Spelling and grammar count! Posts will be graded within one week of due date. Discussions will be closed on the due date (as explained in each assignment). Late posts will not be accepted.
Group presentations will be graded for preparation, thoroughness in covering the subject, teamwork, and creativity. The group presentations will also include an assessment of your participation as a group member. Posts will be graded within one week of due date.
Each quiz will consist of multiple-choice, true-or-false, and fill-in-the-blank questions. The listening quizzes require you to listen to an audio example and answer the provided questions.
Regular participation in the course is very important. Excessive absence will first receive a warning and then will result in a lower grade depending on circumstances.
See the Taking Proctored Assessments section of the Syllabus for information on taking the Midterm Exam and Final Exam.