In this course, you will continue to study the basic Russian. In Russian 101 and 102 you were introduced to the five cases. In this course you learn the very last grammar case and get to practice with all of them. You will also practice working with the verbs in all of their forms. In short, when you complete this course you will have covered the basic course of Russian!  In this course, you also practice your Russian, applying what you have learned thus far. You move up on the proficiency scale by expanding your vocabulary, practicing key grammatical functions, and demonstrating ever higher levels of 'automaticity' as you use the language.  (Automaticity is a term used in Second Language Acquisition theory to describe how quickly and easily you use the language.) In this course, you write and present a major paper in Russian!  You select a city from the Russian-speaking world and describe its climate, transportation, history and points of interest.  You analyze its role in Russian history and diagnose its problems and issues.  Finally, you evaluate the quality of life in your city and justify your decision to make it the focus of your project. Your focus on one Russian-speaking city helps you gain a deep understanding of its people and issues.

Entry Level Competencies: