Program Eleven - Outline Eleven

*Requires a broadband connection and Windows media player 8 or higher*

"I am become a transparent eyeball"
I. Transcendentalism as American

A. Romanticism

B. Quaker thought

C. Emblematic perceptions

D. Other Influences

E. Value of individual

II. Emerson

A. Public figure

1. Finds "new" American letters

2. Rejects traditions

3. Mixes ideal and real

4. Becomes "Father"

B. His transcendentalism

1. Five basic points

2. "Nature"

a. Reject tradition

b. Look to Nature's hieroglyphics

c. Become "transparent eyeball"

3. "Self-Reliance"

a. Individualism of self-trust

b. Genius from self-trust

c. Intuition leads to self-trust

III. Thoreau

A. Career

B. Style

1. Epigrammatic

2. Symbolic

3. Voice

4. Humor

C. Walden

1. Writing style

a. Vivid description

b. Structure of seasons

c. Paradoxes

2. Transcendental ideas

a. Go to woods

(1) Nature's hieroglyphics

(2) Simplicity

b. Be a nonconformist through

(1) Intuition

(2) Nature

c. Wake up

(1) To self

(2) To possibilities

IV. Whitman

A. Career

B. Transcendentalism

1. Individualism

a. "I"

b. Multiplicity

2. Nature

3. Rejection of authority, tradition

4. Grass as symbol

5. Intuitive knowledge