Program Six - Outline Six

*Requires a broadband connection and Windows media player 8 or higher*

"So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature"
I. Eighteenth century

A. Ideas for American Revolution

B. Ideas for American character

C. Major concepts of Enlightenment (See additional information)

II. George Mason

A. Life

B. Accomplishments

C. Reflection of Enlightenment

III. Gunston Hall and the Enlightenment

A. Background

B. Interior

C. Exterior

D. Garden

1. Restored design

2. Archeological work

IV. Benjamin Franklin

A. City life (Old Town Alexandria)

B. Accomplishments

C. The Autobiography - teaching model

1. Reason a way to live

2. Enlightenment ideas reflected

V. Franklin as Writer

A. Neoclassical traits (Augustan style)

1. Regularity

2. Clarity

3. Simple style

4. Common sense

B. Wit

1. Reasonable humor

2. "Model of middle style"

3. Personae

VI. Franklin's Voices (Personae)

A. "The Way To Wealth"

B. "The Speech of Polly Baker"

C. "Speech at the Convention"

D. "On the Slave Trade"