Program Nine - Outline Nine

*Requires a broadband connection and Windows media player 8 or higher*

" So far may the best man err"
I. Nineteenth-century connections

A. Call for national literature

B. Romanticism

C. Ambiguity ("dreams")

D. Historical subjects (current)

1. In general

2. For "Benito Cereno"

II. Melville's career
III. "Benito Cereno"

A. Structure

1. Sections

a. Four sections

b. Out of order

2. Effect

a. Mystery

b. Solution (?)

c. Closing solution (?)

B. Narrative point of view (selective, limited omniscient)

1. American

a. Delano's thoughts distanced

b. Narrative voice comments

c. Traits of American critiqued

2. Humorous

a. Delano fooled

b. Delano biased

3. Deceptive

a. Delano's understanding

b. Incomplete information

c. Deposition's truth

d. Black missing

C. Symbolic patterns

1. Obvious elements

2. Imagery patterns

a. Allusions

b. Nature

D. Ambiguity

1. Incomplete information

2. Suggestive language

3. Delano's conflicting ideas

4. Narrative voice's versions

5. Deposition's truth

6. Closing statements ("best man err")

E. Themes

1. Slavery

2. American identity

3. Perception

IV. Critique of American "stories"

A. Then

B. Now