1 Introduction
- How has geography influenced
the course of history?
- What is history?
Unit 2 Pre-History
- What role did technological innovation play in the
development of early humankind?
- What was important about the shift to the use of
systematic agriculture in the Neolithic period?
Unit 3 Ancient Near East
- Why did cities first form
in Mesopotamia?
- What enabled ancient Egypt
to exist for so long a period of time as a cultural unit?
Unit 4 Classical Mediterranean
- What factors contributed
to the eventual destruction of the Roman Empire?
- Why were the Ancient Greeks so interested in questions of philosophy?
Unit 5 Classical South Asia
- How and why did
Harappan (Indus River) civilization end?
- Why did Buddhism
arise as a religious reform movement?
Unit 6 Mesoamerica
- Why did the large-scale civilization emerge
somewhat later in the Americas than in Eurasia?
- Why did Aztec civilization expand so quickly
in the fifteenth century?
Unit 7 Classical China
- What were some of the social and political characteristics of
classical Chinese civilization of the Han Empire?
- Compare and contrast the origin,
development and characteristics of Buddhism, Christianity and Confucianism.
Unit 8 Russia
- What were some of the distinctive
features of early Russian civilization?
- What were the distinctive
features of Byzantine civilization?
Unit 9 Islam and Empire
- How did Islam continue the
traditions of Christianity and Judaism?
- Was the Islamic empire of the
Abbasid era a revised version of the Roman empire?
Unit 10 African Society
- What were some of the distinctive
features of early Ghana and Mali?
- Was there an early "African"
cultural or social pattern?
11 Mongols
- Compare and contrast the origin,
development and characteristics of Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Confucianism.
- Why were the Mongols able to create such a large
Unit 12 Japan
- What were some of the characteristics of early Japanese
Unit 13 Charlemagne and the European Middle Ages
- Why did the center of Western
civilization migrate from the Mediterranean to Northwestern Europe?
- What impact did the Crusades have on
the development of European civilization?
Unit 14 Renaissance, Reformation and Exploration
- Why did the Renaissance
begin in Italy?
- Why did the Protestant reform movements
in Christianity succeed in the early sixteenth century?
Unit 15 Final Exam
- How has geography influenced
the course of history?
- What is history?