HIS 102 and 112
Seventeenth-Century Paragraph Assignment





The Palace of Versailles (aka Château de Versailles) was the French King Louis XIV's pleasure ground for his nobility and the royal court, constructed between 1669 and 1682 in a village outside of Paris.  Today it is in the Parisian suburbs.  Photo courtesy Edgar González.

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After reading the textbook assignment for this unit, write a paragraph that answers the following question:

According to the textbook, what were some of the important historical developments that shaped European culture in the seventeenth century?
Your paragraph should be about one-half page in length, double-spaced with one-inch margins, font size 10 or 12; it should contain a concise topic sentence that directly responds to the assigned question.  Since you are using your own words to summarize the information in the textbook in this assignment, you do not have to use quotes or page citations.  You may consider submitting a draft of your assignment to your instructor for feedback before submitting the assignment for a grade. Please send some specific questions that you would like answered about your draft. The questions can be general (Is my thesis/first sentence clear?) or specific (Is the phrase, "Chardin was jeweller," written correctly?).
Your assignment should be sent to your course instructor following the directions for submitting assignments.
Please take a moment to review all of my support materials in Charlie's History Writing Center for additional information on the writing requirements for the assignments in the course.
The Required Seventeenth-Century Paragraph is worth a maximum of 50 points.

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I selected your textbook (and I have been known to switch every few years) after careful consideration of the book's content and organization and the authors' goals and objectives; those areas closely match my objectives in teaching this course.  I want you to pay close attention to your reading in the textbook, because that reading is a crucial part of your learning in the course.  Look for the key terms and reflect on the questions to consider as you read your textbook.  In addition:
  • Write down questions that come to mind
  • Make marginal notes in your textbook when something strikes you
  • Underline or highlight important concepts or definitions/events



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For information contact cevans@nvcc.edu