HIS 241
Unit 4:  Ivan IV
and the Time of Troubles




The Ivan the Great Bell Tower (1505-1508) in the Kremlin, one of Russia's great national treasures, and guess what, it is not named for Ivan IV, as I long thought!  (Ivan III, the Great, was the grandfather of Ivan IV, the Terrible.)

Ivan the Great Bell Tower in the Kremlin
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What you must do in this unit
What you can do in this unit
Some videos that you can watch for this unit
Extra Credit Options
  • For 50 points maximum extra credit, watch either Ivan the Terrible part. 1 or Ivan the Terrible part. 2 and write a one-page paper in which you analyze the historical accuracy of the film.
  • For 50 points maximum extra credit, listen to (or watch) Modest Mussorgskii's opera Boris Godunov, based on Aleksandr Pushkin's text, and explain, in a one-page paper, the particular interpretation of Godunov's life put forward in the opera
  • For 50 points maximum extra credit, read Benson Bobrick, Fearful Majesty: The Life and Reign of Ivan the Terrible (1987) and write a one-page paper explaining the rationale for Ivan's ideas about the powers of the tsar.



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For information contact cevans@nvcc.edu
Last Modified 08/07/2012 14:10:00