What you must do this
What you should do this
- Post (or respond) your thoughts/ideas about this week's reading and assignment in the Blackboard online discussion forum. Do not post your assignment there.
What you can do this week
- Read chapter 17 and chapter 18 from Mary Platt Parmele (1843-1911) A Short History of Russia
(1907, 4th edition). These are short chapters, and this is optional reading.
Extra Credit Options
- For 50 points maximum extra credit, read
Aleksandr Radishchev (1749-1802), Journey from St. Petersburg to
Moscow (1790) and write a one-page paper explaining why this novel was considered dangerous by Catherine the Great.
- For 50 points maximum extra credit, read
Isabel de Madariaga, Russia in the Age of Catherine the
(1981), an excellent scholarly biography, and write a one-page paper
that details the author's interpretations of Catherine's reign.
- For 25 points maximum extra credit, read
The Instructions of Catherine II to the Legislative Commission of 1767 (The "Nakaz") and
write a paragraph that answers the question, What was the rationale
in the Nakaz justifying the autocracy? The link will probably not work, but I have a copy on this website.
- For 25 points maximum extra credit, read Catherine's
Proclamation upon ascending the throne, her letter to D'Alembert and the
comments by the English ambassador and then write a paragraph that assesses the
character of Catherine the Great as an "enlightened" ruler of Russia.