HIS 101
Feudalism Paragraph Assignment



When I teach HIS 101 on campus, I always end up showing the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975).  Although a great comedy--one which I have seen scores of times--it also has some of the best satirical portrayals of some aspects of life in medieval England, for example, the trial by ordeal (weight of a duck scene), the French castle in England (remember William the Conqueror and his army were "Frenchmen"), the peasants mucking about in the muck (wondering how Arthur had become their king) and, of course, the quest for the Holy Grail.  Photo Credit.

The Quest for the Grail
Red Separator Bar
Read the Feudal document excerpt (along with the document background information and the study questions).  Answer the following question in a paragraph:

Citing specific evidence from the feudal document (not from the textbook), what did this document reveal about medieval society? (This is an amazing document.  If you look at each word or phrase closely, you can discover much information.  You can begin by analyzing the first word, "Lawday.")
Your paragraph should be about one-half page in length, double-spaced with one-inch margins, font size 10 or 12; it should contain a concise topic sentence that directly responds to the assigned question (no need to define terms or cite a dictionary) and use direct, quoted material to support your points.  You may consider submitting a draft of your assignment to your instructor for feedback before submitting the assignment for a grade. Please send some specific questions that you would like answered about your draft. The questions can be general (Is my thesis/first sentence clear?) or specific (Is the phrase, "Chardin was jeweller," written correctly?).
Your assignment should be sent to your course instructor following the directions for submitting assignments.
Please take a moment to review all of my support materials in Charlie's History Writing Center for additional information on the writing requirements for the assignments in the course..
The Feudalism Paragraph is worth a maximum of 50 points.



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For information contact cevans@nvcc.edu