Laurie Albert
phone: (703) 323-3024 - Campus
(703) 323-3347 - ELI
I am here to help you succeed in this course. Although we will interact regularly on your assignments and exams, occasional questions or problems may arise. Here's how to contact me when they do.
First, contact me by email and let me know the specific nature of your question. If you are having problems with code please send me the file you are working on so that I will be better able to help.
If I don't feel I can adequately answer your question through email I will respond and ask you to send me your telephone number and a good time to call. Also, if you feel I haven't answered your question adequately and you need to talk to me please send me an email with your phone number and I will call you.
And lastly, if the question can't be answered through email or the telephone
then we will set up an appointment to meet in person.