HOME Unit 3 - Newspapers Background Bulletins and Announcements

Newspapers Today Newspapers , the first draft of history, are thriving throughout the world wide web. Anyone with access to an Internet server can become a newspaper publisher.
  • instant information of varying accuracy
  • more information than one can imagine
  • ability to link related stories
  • global audience
Rationale for locating newspaper articles
  • provide us with the one of the most immediate accounts of events on the global, national, and local levels.
  • reveal how an event was reported and interpreted when it happened
  • reflect the philosophical perspective of their publishers and communities
  • regional differences are reflected in articles from different regions of the country
Types of information found in newspapers
  • newsworthy events
  • editorials (opinion essays)
  • letters to the editors
  • obituaries
  • political cartoons and comic strips
  • entertainment information and reviews
  • classified advertising
  • syndicated columnists such as George Will (appears on web sites only if columnist gives rights to newspaper)
  • weather information
  • feature articles on topics of current interest
Print  vs web based Print
  • publication statement providing names of publishers and editors, subscription information
  • indexes and alphabetical sections with numbered pages guide reader through the paper
  • contains information of the day; short runs of back issues stacked on library shelves, back issues often stored on compact disc and microform;viewed using reader/printers
  • articles written by staff reporters stationed throughout the world, and obtained from wire services (Associated Press)
  • letters to the editor

Web Based

  • publication statements, subscription information, and  related business enterprises - the Washington Post provides a time line dating back to 1877 which traces the paper's history.
  • hot  links indicating a section or headline and a search capability  for key word searching; indexes and site maps guide web users
  • archives of back articles range from current week to several years, fees are often charged for full text copies of archived articles
  • articles written by staff reporters stationed throughout the world and obtained from wire services
  • reader comments solicited  via email

Backfiles Web sites offer varying degrees of archived  articles. Some newspapers charge to retrieve back issues beyond a certain date.  Others require registration to view articles.

All NVCC libraries have some newspapers stored on microform. Microform reader/ printer machines offer patrons an opportunity to read newspapers throughout history.

Databases Companies create and publish web-based databases of articles from one to five hundred major newspapers or several hundred local and regional newspapers that provide:
  • varying depths of indexing
  • bibliographic information (author, article title, newspaper title, date, section, page
  • full text, abstracts or citations
  • major newspapers are covered in ProQuest Direct Newspapers and many regional papers appear in SIRS

Web Sites
Print Indexes Multi volume sets   arranged chronologically and searchable most frequently by Library of Congress subject headings.  Print indexes of the Washington Post and New York Times are available at some campuses. Consult a librarian for more information on availability of print newspaper indexes.


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Email: swharff@nvcc.edu
Last updated: Wednesday August 11, 2004