HOME Unit 3 - Newspapers Evaluation Guide Bulletins and Announcements

Scope Does the article cover the topic?

How much  of the topic is covered?

  • read summaries in newspaper indexes if available
  • scan captions & subheadings in article
  • read topic sentences
Currency Is information up to date enough for the topic chosen or do you need a current perspective on a historical event?
  • check date and dateline of news article for currency
Immediacy Do you need a contemporary (of that time) view of news "while it is happening", such as a first person account of an earthquake?
  • check site updated time
  • check date and dateline of news article
Completeness of information Is there enough background information provided for you to understand the article?
  • use additional sources to fill in gaps in your knowledge
  • go to a broader source such as an encyclopedia
Purpose for writing What is the bias/perspective?
  • determine type of article (editorial, news report, letter or opinion of a columnist)
Authority/reliability Is the information reliable?
  • check authors credentials in biographical sources


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Email: swharff@nvcc.edu
Last updated: Thursday, June 21, 2001