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Scapegoating Research and Remedies
This is the Website of the Scapegoat Society, a British research institute that examines the psychodynamics of scapegoating in an effort to raise consciousness about the problem of scapegoating.
Disliking Others Without Valid Reasons: Prejudice
The Mental Health Net summarizes the psychological dynamics that motivate prejudice.
Coping with interracial stress in ethnically diverse classrooms: how important are Allport's contact conditions? Amy Marcus-Newhall and Timothy R. Heindl. Journal of Social Issues, Winter 1998 v54 i4 p813(1).
This study examined desegregated classrooms with an emphasis on how students' perceptions of Allport's (1954) contact dimensions influence the frequency and effectiveness of their coping strategies for interracial stress, their self-esteem, and their self-reported academic performance. InfoTrac.
Prejudice as Group Position: Microfoundations of a Sociological Approach to Racism and Race Relations. Lawrence D. Bobo. Journal of Social Issues, Fall 1999 v55 i3 p445.
This research integrates and elaborates the basic premises of Blumer's group position theory of prejudice. It does so in order to make explicit, more fully integrated, and empirically pliable the theoretical foundations of a sociological analysis of the nature of racial prejudice. The research identifies important areas of agreement between Gordon Allport's approach to prejudice and that of Blumer. InfoTrac.
cultural context | self | relational development | listening & perception | messages | process of communication | relationships
Copyright, 2000-05 by Terrence A. Doyle, Ph. D. Feedback to tdoyle@nvcc.edu