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Baby boomer friendships. Rebecca G. Adams and Rosemary Blieszner. Generations, Spring 1998 v22 n1 p70(6).
Drawing on anecdotal and personal sources as well as research literature, the authors reflect upon how friendship is experienced by members of the "baby boom" generation at midlife and beyond. InfoTrac.
Definitions of friendship in the third age: age, gender, and study location effects. Rebecca G. Adams, Rosemary Blieszner and Brian De Vries. Journal of Aging Studies, March 2000 v14 i1 p117.
Researchers examine how seniors define friendship. InfoTrac.
Using feminist research methods to understand the friendships of adolescent boys. Niobe Way. Journal of Social Issues, Winter 1997 v53 n4 p703(21).
This study examines the relational experiences of an ethnically, socioeconomically, and culturally diverse group of adolescent boys using a feminist, voice-centered approach and by exploring longitudinally the friendships of 19 urban, ethnically diverse adolescent boys from low-income families. InfoTrac.
Adolescent same-sex and opposite-sex best friend interactions. Cami K. McBride and Tiffany Field. Adolescence, Fall 1997 v32 n127 p515(8).
This study compares same-sex and opposite sex friendships with a sample of girls and boys. InfoTrac.
cultural context | communication process | self | relational development | listening & perception | messages | relationships
Copyright, 2000-05 by Terrence A. Doyle, Ph. D. Feedback to tdoyle@nvcc.edu