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Archie McPhee's Affirmation Ball
Do you need affirmation? Click here for a virtual hug. Come on, get happy!
Raising Your Child's Self-Esteem. Donna Warner Manczak. Clinical Reference Systems, July 1, 1999 p1242.
Each child carries a unique picture of self, shaped in large measure by messages communicated by significant people, especially parents. A child is not born with a self image; a self image is learned through experiences beginning from birth. InfoTrac.
Help to build your child's self-esteem. The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter, May 1998 v14 n5 p51(2).
How can parents and professionals help ensure that children will be responsible for their education, leisure time use and overall well-being? Dr. Robert B. Brooks, assistant professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School, believes that adults can help by fostering children's self-esteem. And he says that children will have greater self-esteem if they feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for their experiences. InfoTrac.
To foster children's self-esteem and resilience, search for islands of competence. Robert B. Brooks. The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter, June 1998 v14 n6 p1(3).
Success in one arena of a child's life can serve as the foundation for success in other areas. Therefore, in order to design interventions that will enhance self-esteem and resilience in children, we must first identify and reinforce what I call their "islands of competence," so that a ripple effect may be created, motivating children to venture forth and confront the tasks they have previously found difficult. InfoTrac.
Improving your Child's Self-Esteem. Jada Ledford Daves. The Exceptional Parent, Sept 1999 v29 i9 p52.
This article provides tips for parents to help children succeed in school by building self-esteem. InfoTrac.
Personality correlates of adult attachment style. Steven A. Meyers. The Journal of Social Psychology, June 1998 v138 n3 p407(3).
Self-esteem and self perceptions of competency have been examined as related to the development of a secure bond of attachment. InfoTrac.
Self-esteem and adjustment in early adolescence: a social-contextual perspective. David L. DuBois, Catherine A. Bull, Michelle D. Sherman and Magie Roberts. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Oct 1998 v27 i5 p557(2).This study investigated self-esteem as a predictor of emotional, behavioral and academic adjustment of adolescents. It considered factors such as peer relations, family interactions and school interventions on the development and maintenance of self-esteem. InfoTrac.
Self-esteem and social respect within the high school. Paul Yelsma and Julie Yelsma. The Journal of Social Psychology, August 1998 v138 n4 p431(11).
A survey of high school students found that scores for self-esteem predicted social respect and were significantly associated with respect for teachers and language use. InfoTrac.
Learning how to forgive may be the smartest thing you can do. Jet, Jan 11, 1999 v95 i6 p39.
Recent research shows that holding on to anger increases your chances of a heart attack as well as cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other illnesses, according to news reports. Forgiveness also helps you sleep better at night and boosts a positive change in your attitude. InfoTrac.
cultural context | self | relational development | listening & perception | messages | relationships
Copyright, 2000-05 by Terrence A. Doyle, Ph. D. Feedback to tdoyle@nvcc.edu