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E86W: Introduction to Theatre Dr. Eric W. Trumbull, Professor, Theatre/Speech Browser Note: If you are using Internet Explorer and any of these pages seem to load slowly by opening from the center of the screen outward, try clicking on the "Stop" button at the top of the browser; I've found that works. Netscape (and Firefox and Opera) versions don't have THAT problem, but they do have others...
**Please read this entire page before continuing any further. Then to begin the class, please be sure you have read the SYLLABUS and then go HERE...**
Instructor: Dr. Eric W. Trumbull, Professor, Theatre/Speech Rm. 122, 703-878-5750 |
PLEASE NOTE: ELI conducts a Student Technology Training
Seminar in each Fall and Spring semesters at selected campuses. Unfortunately,
many students are unable to to attend because of other commitments,
schedules, etc. At the Seminar, ELI provides students with a useful
Guide that familiarizes them with the basic technology and procedures
that they will need to know in order to complete their courses. A copy
of the Guide is available online at:... |
Welcome to SPD 130, Introduction to Theatre, a three-credit course offered entirely online from Northern Virginia Community College's Extended learning Institute (ELI). From this main page, you can click on my name (above) to see my home page at NVCC, and from there you can get more information about me. You can also, from this main page, go to the syllabus, the "lessons," and to the forum / discussion area.
Information about the short paper assignments... Information about the critique assignments...
Discussion Area --- Information -- Grades -- and more... --Use this area to discuss class / subject concerns with the instructor and other members of the class, and to post and read messages / comments about class readings and material.
PLEASE NOTE!!: Students MUST use their VCCS e-mail address and password to gain access to Blackboard, and also to send and receive secure e-mail to and from NVCC instructors; please go here for information. Be sure to get your VCCS e-mail account established and to use that account to send e-mail to your instructors (Campus AND non-Campus classes). If you cannot get on to NVCC's Blackboard
then it's possible that you have not yet been assigned a username and
password. In that case, please e-mail me and I'll see what I can do
to get you one or to find out what your username and password are. After logging on to Blackboard, click on the "Discussion Board" tab on the left side of the screen to get to the discussions... You may also use Blackboard for a number of other functions -- you'll see them when you get there. I encourage you to experiment a bit with Blackboard's capabilities. (Note: to get to your grades so far, you may click on the "Student Tools" tab, and then "Check My Grade..."
Wilson and Alvin Goldfarb, Theater: The Lively Art,
6th edition, (McGraw-Hill). ISBN-13 9780073514116 (or go HERE for
the text's Resource Page)
To begin the class, please be sure you have read the SYLLABUS and then go HERE...
This page and all linked pages in this directory are copyrighted © Eric W. Trumbull, 1998-2008.
This page last modified: August 25, 2008 .