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Playwright - Quiz

Course Name:  Intro. to Theatre
Course No.SPD 130
Quiz Number:  1
Teacher:  Trumbull
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No. of Questions= 3
Pass mark is - 60 %.

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1 Aristotle included in his Six Parts of a Tragedy all EXCEPT the following:
a) character
b) theme
c) method
d) plot
e) spectacle
2 The concept of a writer of plays being a playWRIGHT suggests that the playwright:
a) writes literature just as a novelist does
b) writes music
c) "makes" a play rather that "writes" it
d) "lives" a play rather that "loves" it
e) is normal
3 The idea that characters should behave in certain ways depending on their socio-economic status is suggested in the term:
a) caricature
b) charisma
c) personalitas
d) decorum
e) spectatum

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