SPD 130 -- Theatre Appreciation -- Study Guide -- Exam One Extended Learning Institute - On the WEB -- Trumbull The Nature of Theatre artistic self-awareness aesthetic distance empathy art as safe didactic "agit-prop" theatron verisimilitude mimesis point-of-attack antecedent action complication initiating incident sub-plot peripetia (peripety/reversal) rising action falling action universality willing suspension of disbelief Acting Areas proscenium thrust arena environmental deus ex machina Aristotle's Poetics Six parts of a play: Plot Character Thought Diction Music Spectacle Four parts of plot: Exposition Conflict Climax Resolution Thespis improvisation Bowdlerize Tragedy catharsis protagonist antagonist ground plan hamartia tragic hero goat song comedy , komos satire slapstick farce melodrama improvisation aside foil hubris ??