SPD 130 -- Theatre Appreciation -- Study Guide -- Exam Two ELI - On the WEB Acting presentational method technique external approach blocking relationship substitution neutral state - tabula rasa sense memory magic if emotional memory affective memory paradox of acting Saxe-Meiningen Diderot Delsarte Stanislavsky concentration imagination blocking internal approach objectives subtext spine or super objective beats, units stage business cheating / opening out James-Lange theory "alienation effect" ensemble stage areas, stage positions props Directing Directors' functions Managerial / artistic Precursors to the modern director Moliere, Garrick, Goethe, Wagner Antoine Duke of Saxe Meiningen Fourth-wall realism Master ,metaphor - directorial concept Approaches to directing - heretical / worshipful Focus Blocking Read-throughs Tech rehearsals Dress rehearsals "French scene" the three classical "unities" given circumstances Designers Functions of designers Ground plan Types of stage spaces Types of drama (comedy, tragedy, etc.) Lighting design - color, direction, intensity Lighting instruments Drummond light Fresnels Spotlights Gels Stage lighting history Set design Flats - parts of Platforms Unit set Gaslight Limelight