ENG 241: Survey of American Literature I

Judy Riggin


[Introduction] [Your Responsibility] [Syllabus] [Assignments] [Exams] [Resources]

There are three proctored exams in this course. A detailed explanation of what to expect on each exam is found under Assignments on this COURSE SITE. Exams must be taken in one of the five NVCC campus Testing Centers. [*exams are paper-based for SUMMER 05 only]

See ELI Policies and Procedures for the locations and phone numbers of the campus Testing Centers and for information about proctors for students who live outside the Northern Virginia area. You do not need an appointment to take an exam, but you should call the Testing Center before you go, to make sure it will be open and will stay open long enough for you to complete the exam.

Before you go, print the Exam Pass page and cut off the appropriate pass for the exam you want to take. When you go to the Testing Center, take along a photo ID and the appropriate exam pass. The Testing Centers have been asked not to give exams unless a students presents a photo ID and the appropriate exam pass.

Exam Passes: SUMMER 05; FALL 05