ENG 241: Survey of American Literature I

Judy Riggin

Week 9

[Introduction] [Your Responsibility] [Syllabus] [Assignments] [Exams] [Resources]

Week 9

Take: EXAM 2

Exam 2 :


100 points

Exam 2 will have two parts: short-answer and essay.

Part I will consist of brief-answer questions (25 points). The brief-answer and matching questions will cover major facts and concepts about the Enlightenment from video programs 5-7, the supplementary information in Week 7 of this COURSE SITE, and the TEXT. Matching questions will cover major information about writers Byrd, Sewall, Woolman, Ashbridge, Edwards, Franklin, Paine, and Jefferson from the videos and TEXT biographical introductions for each. You will not be allowed to use your TEXT or notes for Part I.

Part II will ask you to write one essay answer (75 points). The essay question will be one of the following four. On your exam, I will give you three of these questions and you will choose one to answer. Therefore, prepare answers to two questions, so you will be ready no matter which questions appear as choices. You may prepare and use two pages of quotations only to help you to write a successful essay. The lab attendant will attach these notes to your exam pass and send them to ELI. You may not use your text for the exam. Allow approximately 1 1/2 hours to complete this exam.


1. In what activities and/or interests does Franklin show himself to be a man of the Enlightenment? Identify three such activities/interests, and illustrate with at least two quotes from his writing for each (total of six quotes).

2. How do the thoughts and writing style of the Declaration of Independence show it is a document of the Enlightenment? Illustrate your assertions with a total of at least five quotes from the Declaration.

3. How are ideas about morality and conducting business different in John Woolman's ­ Journal and Benjamin Franklin's "The Way to Wealth" and The Autobiography ? Illustrate differences with a total of at least six quotes from the works.

4. Explain how writings from this period show a tension between spiritual values and worldly material interests, referring to works by at least four writers. Illustrate your ideas with at least two quotes per writer, for a total of eight quotes.

Go to Exams page for directions for taking exam and exam pass.
