Click on the Unit 2 Task that you wish to work on now.

2, Task 5

Exam 2 will ask you to write an essay: "Classroom vs. Distance Learning--Which is Better for You?" 

You will write this essay for a person you know who is thinking about going back to college and wondering if distance learning would be appropriate, or if he/she would be happier in a classroom. You should draw on your own experiences as well as your knowledge of the needs and problems being dealt with by the person you are writing this for. 

Before taking Exam 2, you must complete Unit 2, Task 4 (preparing and submitting two worksheets, an Observation Diary and a Plan Sheet).  You may bring your Observation Diary and Plan Sheet that I have approved. You may not bring a draft.

You will write Exam 2 in an NVCC Testing Center. If it is not possible for you to get to an NVCC Testing Center, you may arrange for a proctor at another location. If you need a proctor, go to the ELI Policies and Procedures Screen. Select the link for Examination Proctors, from the Table of Contents, for information on how to arrange for a proctor.


          Before You Go to the Testing Center ...

When you've completed the two worksheets and received my response to them and your grade on them, please review the grading criteria carefully to find out what you need to include in the exam essay.       

 Exam 2 Grading Criteria:                     

  • Planning worksheet graded and approved before you take the exam.

  • Responds to all elements of the assignment

  • Both diary and planning worksheet are fully developed

  • Addresses a specific person with specific needs and interests

  • Uses your own experiences with both distance and classroom learning to support your assertions about each

  • Gives equal consideration to distance and classroom learning; explains the positive and negative aspects of each

  • Has a coherent plan of organization

  • Makes very clear why you think one or the other sort of learning would suit the person you are writing this for

  • Takes into consideration the needs and likes/dislikes of the person you are writing this for

  • Uses concrete examples to support its ideas

  • Uses consistent, appropriate style

  • Uses correct, college-level Standard Written English

Exam 2 is worth up to 100 points. I will not accept the essay exam UNLESS you have already submitted the planning materials to me and received my response to them along with your grade. 

Your essay should be at least 500 words long; it may be longer. 

When You Go to the Testing Center of Your Choice,

Bring the following with you:

Your exam pass (click on button on left) and a photo ID

Your emplid (student ID number)

A copy of your approved plan sheet for the essay

Hacker for grammar reference (optional)

A College Dictionary (optional)

You will write this essay in the Testing Center on a word processor and then copy/paste it to a Blackboard testing site message box.

There is no time limit, so go to the Testing Center early enough to allow yourself plenty of time.  Call the Testing Center first to make sure it will be open long enough for you to complete the exam. You may use a dictionary or your English Handbook. Your plan for the exam will be collected and sent to me; you will not get it back.

I will email your grade to you with my comments on your exam. Allow about one week for turnaround. You will not receive the exam back.

You must pass both Exam 2 and Exam 3 with a grade of 60% or better in order to pass the course.

You must successfully complete all your work through Unit 2 (including Exam 2) in order to remain in the course beyond the W date. That means the work must be posted (one piece at a time, and wait for my grade before posting the next), and accepted and graded by me.

Click on the Unit 2 Task that you wish to work on now.
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(c) Diane Thompson and Nancy McTaggart: 11/7/1998; updated: 06/25/2007