Student Grade Form and Personal Schedule

Dr. Diane Thompson, NVCC, ELI


If you are in a great hurry, you may want to look at the Eight Week Option version of this form. Remember, if you start to do the course in eight weeks and it proves too much for you, just relax and revert to the sixteen week version; there is no penalty. However, you must be sure that you meet the minimum time requirements of the sixteen week course if you revert to it. If you are doing the course in eight weeks, you should not encounter problems with the sixteen week deadlines, but watch out for the Inactive Students Dropped Date which is the same for both the eight week and sixteen week options!

Use this form to keep a record of your progress, personal schedule, and the grades you receive in this course. 

Note that there is some slack in the schedule (i.e. three weeks at the end for the final exam), because the College will have some holidays which vary from semester to semester. However, you must make the critical date deadlines in order to remain in the course! They are posted on the Announcements Page of the course Blackboard. Aim at completing each unit within one month, allowing time for the holidays, and you will be fine.

Print out this page and fill in the ELI Critical Dates that are on the course Announcements Page on Blackboard. Then fill in the rest of the due dates for each unit counting from your start date as week 1. One activity by the end of each week will get you through the course by your end date. Each Unit should take you four weeks to complete.

Submit only one piece of work at a time. Wait until you receive my feedback and grade before submitting the next. This will generally take up to two or three days, so plan accordingly. I will under NO CIRCUMSTANCES grade more than one piece of work in a single day, so you must plan accordingly.

You may submit only one exam at a time. You must successfully complete all of the preceding work and have received grades on it before taking the exam. If you submit an exam out of the sequence of assignments, I will not accept it. If there is still time left in your course enrollment, I may allow you to retake it.

As you submit work, use this form to keep track of your work and due dates. Fill in the date you submitted it and the grade you received for each assignment. Then, to know where you are in the course, just add up the grades.

It is important to keep copies of all your work until you have received your final grade, since I delete work from the forums after 45 days. You should also keep the e-mail grades I send you until you have received your final grade for the course.

You can find the critical dates for your session on the Announcements Page in Blackboard.

My ELI Critical Dates

My Start Date is:____________

My First Assignment Due Date is: _____________________. You must post your Introduction to the  Blackboard Forum for Introductions by this date or you will be dropped from the course with no refund.

My Inactive Student Drop Date is: _____________________________. You must complete all of Unit 1, including Exam 1, by this date or you will be dropped from the course with no refund.

My Last Date for Withdrawal is:______________. If you do not successfully complete (grades of 60% or higher) all of Units 1 and 2, including Exam 1, by this date, you will be dropped from the course with a grade of W.

My End Date is:_____________

My Incomplete End Date is: _________________ If you request and receive an Incomplete, be sure to fill in this date when I send it to you.

Unit 1

Activity Possible Points Week Due Date Submitted My Points
Introduction 50 Wk 1:    
Activity 1 50 Wk 2:    
Activity 2 50 Wk 3:    
Exam 1 100 Wk 4:    

You must successfully complete all your work to here in order to remain in the course on the Inactive Students Dropped Date. That means it must be posted (one piece at a time, and you must wait for my grade before posting the next), and accepted and graded by me. I will under NO CIRCUMSTANCES grade more than one piece of work in a single day, nor will I work excessive hours per day to help students catch up who have not been submitting course work on a regular basis, so you must plan accordingly.

Unit 2

Activity Possible Points Week Due Date Submitted My Points
Activity 3 50 Wk 5:    
Activity 4 50 Wk 6:    
Activity 5 50 Wk 7:    

You must successfully complete all your work to here in order to remain in the course on the W date. That means it must be posted (one piece at a time, and wait for my grade before posting the next), and accepted and graded by me. I will under NO CIRCUMSTANCES grade more than one piece of work in a single day, nor will I work excessive hours per day to help students catch up who have not been submitting course work on a regular basis, so you must plan accordingly.

Unit 3

Activity Possible Points Week Due Date Submitted My Points
Activity 6 50 Wk 8:    
Activity 7 50 Wk 9:    
Activity 8 50 Wk 10:    
Exam 2 150 Wk 11:    

You must successfully complete all your work to here in order to qualify for a grade of Incomplete. That means it must be posted (one piece at a time, and wait for my grade before posting the next), and accepted and graded by me. I will under NO CIRCUMSTANCES grade more than one piece of work in a single day, nor will I work excessive hours per day to help students catch up who have not been submitting course work on a regular basis, so you must plan accordingly.

Unit 4

Activity Possible Points Week Due Date Submitted My Points
Activity 9 50 Wk 12:    
Activity 10 50 Wk 13:    
Exam 3 200 Wks 14-15:    
Total Points 1000      


(c) Diane Thompson: 6/1/1999; updated: 08/19/2011