First, read the entire Course Guide. Then, begin working on Unit 1. The four Units, listed below, contain all of the course assignments and detailed directions for how to do them. Complete each Unit before going on to the next one. Allow a month for each Unit. You have four months from your enrollment date to complete the course. You will receive your own enrollment date from ELI and will need to keep track of your own schedule using the Grade Record form. Your end date is 16 weeks after your enrollment date, which may or may not be at the end of a regular NVCC semester. To see a list of all the tasks for the course, go to the Grade Record form. There are optional videos available which contain the same material as each Study Guide. If you prefer to watch the video instead of reading the Study Guide, click here for the video broadcast schedule, or go to an NVCC library to watch the videos there. You can also rent the videos: contact ELI for information on how to rent them. Note: there are also two optional videos, one on Candide and the other on Things Fall Apart from the Annenberg series, Invitation to World Literature. I was a member of the Advisory Board for the project and I am delighted by the programs. I think you will enjoy them.
The white boxes below list optional WWW sites for each UNIT. Check them out if you are interested in learning more about an area or era, or if you wish to do some of your reading on the WWW. (Note: Troy Web Sites have their own activities, which are not intended for this course.)
(c) Diane Thompson : 8/15/1998; updated: 03/02/2011 |