Theatre Appreciation -- SPD 141 --   Online Course

Logo for: Northern Virginia Community College --Student Centered / Community Focused

 Dr. Eric W. Trumbull, Professor, Theatre/Speech

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Theatre as Performance

Resource: Wilson, Chapter 1 & 16

Objectives for this lesson:

Students will examine:

characteristics of performance

types of performances

the nature of theatre as performance




Requires an audience a group of individuals gathered together at a certain time and place for no purpose other than to see the performance (though some may be doing other things: placing bets, writing reviews, wasting time, etc.) that is aware of itself as a group.


Types of performances: movie, dance, tv, opera, music, salesmen, preachers (?), teachers, drill sergeants -- all are theatrical / theatre-like.

Kinds of arts: dance, music, movies, tv, opera, painting, architecture, graphic arts, literature, performance art -- theatre.     Take a look at this chart comparing: Theatre vs. other arts

Kinds of Stages: Location can shape many aspects of a performance. This presentation looks at different kinds of stages:
Stage Spaces

{Top of Page}

Important terms:



Types of Stages (Wilson, Chapter 4):

proscenium (traditional)

arena (in-the-round)

thrust (three-quarter round)

environmental / found spaces

"black box"

Parts of the stage (From Wilson, Chapter 4)

house (72...)

rake (as in "raked stage") (72..., 349...)

orchestra (72..)

boxes (73...)

fly loft (73, 74...)

wings (75...)

"fourth wall" (72...)

Click here for a short study quiz on this lesson...

Next Section: Theatre's Special Qualities



This page and all linked pages in this directory are copyrighted © Eric W. Trumbull, 1998-2004.

This page last modified: April 29, 2004