Instructor: Greg Pruden, NVCC, ELI
Assignment >> Unit 2

Exercise 6
Exercise 7
Midterm Exam
Unit 2


Midterm Exam: Describe a Process or Give Instructions to a General Audience (100 points)

The Midterm Exam will ask you to write an essay describing a process or giving instructions to a general audience. The Midterm Exam is worth up to 100 points.

You must complete the Midterm Exam before beginning work on Unit 3.

You will write Exam 1 in an NVCC Testing Center. Be sure to take the appropriate Exam Pass and a photo ID with you. Call the Testing Center first to make sure it will be open long enough for you to complete the exam.

If it is not possible for you to get to an NVCC Testing Center, you may arrange for a proctor at another location. If you need a proctor, go to the ELI Policies and Procedures Screen. Select the link for Examination Proctors, from the Table of Contents, for information on how to arrange for a proctor.

WHAT TO EXPECT: The Midterm Exam will ask you to prepare and write a process explanation or instructions explaining how to do something for a general audience. If you have done the required exercises successfully, you should not have any trouble with this exam. There is no time limit, but allow about 2 hours.

You will write this essay on WORD and then print out a copy before doing a copy/paste to Blackboard. Be sure to edit your work carefully before submitting it to a Blackboard exam box.

Remember, you must pass both exams to pass the course.

What to Bring to the Exam:

  • Midterm (Exam 1) Pass and a photo ID
  • Filled out Plan Sheet which I have approved
  • Short print articles about your topic (optional)

Any print or written materials you bring to the exam will be collected and sent to ELI. You will not be able to get either this material or your exam back. I will read your exam and send your grade to you with my comments. Allow about one week for turnaround. Once you have taken the exam, you may go on to Unit 3.



Before preparing the exam, you must send me your Plan Sheet by e-mail to get your topic approved. I will not read or grade any exam unless I approve the plan sheet in advance.

Once I have approved your Plan Sheet, you may take the exam. Bring the completed Plan Sheet to the Testing Center along with your exam pass.


Weight: The Midterm Exam is worth up to 100 points, or 10% of your total grade, depending on how well it meets the grading criteria below:

Midterm Exam Grading Criteria:

  • Uses the approved plan sheet topic, material and organization
  • Uses appropriate tone and content for a general audience
  • Is well-organized; offers a step by step description of the process or instructions
  • Uses clear, correct, college-level English
  • Uses attractive layout for a neat, professional appearance
  • Describes at least one simple, appropriate visual
  • Presents relevant, specific examples to support narrative information
  • Provides any necessary context (e.g. not a fragment that fits into something larger, which is missing)
  • Credits all sources used

You may now go on to Unit 3


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Last Update: June 6, 2005
Copyright 1998 by Diane Thompson