Grammar Workshop

Table of Contents




Tense Sequence

The basic rule is to use tenses that reflect the time order of events. 


If an event happens before the present, it is put into the simple past; if it happens before the simple past, it is put into the past perfect, or past past.

Present  Today, Sharon runs to the store.
Simple past Yesterday, Sharon ran to the store.
Past past   The day before yesterday, Sharon had run to the store, but she ran there again yesterday.

Note that the past past (or past perfect) uses a helping verb, had, plus a past participle, run.


If an event happens after the present, it is put into the future.

Present Today, Sharon runs to the store.
Future Tomorrow, Sharon will run to the store

Note that the future uses a helping verb, will, plus a present participle, run.



Last Update: 12/06/2006
Copyright by Diane Thompson, NVCC,