Biology Events


Science Friday - The hottest science radio talk show!
What?  Join Ira Flatow and an eminent scientist on a news worthy scientific topic.
Where? NPR stations such as 88.5 FM, Fridays 2-4pm
Exploring Marine Ecosystems - A behind-the-scenes tour of the construction and maintenance of the marine ecosystems at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History
When?  Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday afternoons at 2pm
Where? Go to the Information Desk in the rotunda of the Natural History Building to get free tickets.  First come, first served!
Third Sunday Wildflower Walks - A super opportunity to become acquainted with Virginia's native plants!
What?  Join Marion Lobstein, authority on Virginia's flora, in identifying plants in bloom.
Where? Great Falls National Park, Great Falls, VA, 10am-12:30pm
Fridays at the Museum - The Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History offers a wide variety of films, lectures, and slide shows at noon on most Fridays. In October and November, slide shows/lectures by naturalists that have studied the big cats will be featured.  This is fitting since the National Zoo has just opened the Big Cats Exhibit featuring three  lions and four tigers in a 30,000 square foot habitat.

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Emma Erdahl, Associate Professor of Biology
Northern Virginia Community College
Revised 8/23/00