Observation Diary for Exam 2:
You will
prepare for Exam 2 by writing your own WWW and classroom observation
diary. It must contain entries for at least ten different days--five
for www observations and five for classroom observations. Each entry
must have a date and a time (see sample below).
Your WWW
diary should include your own experiences while taking a WWW course,
comments on how you interact with the online material, your feelings about
dealing with the professor online instead of face-to-face, etc. The more
details you gather here, the more easily you write the actual essay.
You will
also need at least five separate entries on classroom experiences. These
may be current, or they may be memories of when you were in a classroom.
The entries in the Sample Observation
Diary should get you started. Of course, you may find that
your experiences are very different from these, but whatever they are, get
them down in writing. This worksheet will be worth up to 20 points, so be sure to write it out fully and be
sure to email it to me for a grade before taking the exam. You may bring a
copy with you to the exam as an aid for writing the essay.
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