Learning Objective Definition

Learning objectives are also called instructional objectives or performance objectives. They are the statements that describe what students will be able to do once they successfully complete a unit of instruction (Dick, Carey, and Carey, p. 125). A good learning objective is specific, measurable, and clearly stated.

The Importance of Learning Objectives

three gears Learning objectives are a critical component of instruction. They have two important functions:

  1. Provide course developers guidance on selecting suitable:
    • instructional materials;
    • teaching methods, including learning activities and use of technology;
    • assessment methods.
  2. Help students focus on what they are expected to learn, and understand how they will be assessed.

This is why we always emphasize that learning objectives should be specific and measurable. The example below demonstrates good alignment of learning objectives, learning activities, and assessments. It shows us how a clearly stated learning objective can help an instructor create appropriate learning activities to help students acquire the desired skills and select good assessment tools to evaluate students' achievement.

yellow lightbulb Example

Please take a look at the example below which includes a well-written learning objective, a learning activity and an assessment. They are all in alignment.

Learning Objective

Class Discussion


Students should be able to assess the usefulness of countertrade for certain economies.


I (the instructor) have assigned you a number 1 or 2. The 1's will be developing countries. The 2's are developed nations. (Feel free to choose a country and post as that.)

Depending upon your number/country consider from that nation's perspective, talk about whether countertrade is good or bad.

Post your response on the Discussion Forum titled "Countertrade Debate" and then comment on at least two of the other postings.

Essay Question: Choose two countries from the following; explain whether countertrade is good or bad.

England = United Kingdom
Africa = Egypt
Russian Federation
Arab World = Iran
United States

In order to help students achieve the learning objective, the teaching method the instructor selected is to have students participate in a group discussion activity. This group discussion activity requires students to apply what they have learned to analyze if countertrade is good for the selected countries. Students have to know countertrade, the advantages and disadvantages of countertrade, and the economic situation of the assigned countries in order to assess if countertrade is good for the selected countries. This discussion activity gives students the opportunity to review and apply what they have learned to solve a real world problem and receive feedback from each other. It can not only teach students' critical thinking skills but also have them practice the desired skills. The essay question is used to evaluate students' mastery of the learning objective. Students should be able to answer this question after they complete the discussion activity since the essay question is similar to the discussion question.

Additional Resources

Articulate Your Learning Objectives by Carnegie Mellon University clearly explains why we need to articulate our learning objectives and how to articulate our learning objectives. In addition, it also provides a list of action verbs and samples of learning objectives from different disciplines.

Writing Learning Objectives: Beginning With The End In Mind: This presentation clearly explained the differences between learning objectives and learning goals, the three components of an ideal learning objective, and how to write specific and measurable learning objectives.

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